Wednesday, July 18, 2007

New website

I've been building websites for more than a decade now. Funny enough I started out with a very confusing personal homepage in English and slowly began making more serious websites and somehow along the way the language changed. Until yesterday I didn't really have a professionell website in English.

That was bound to change sooner or later. Yesterday it actually did.

My first trembling steps into building a website that could potentially make me some money. I figured a website in English would eventually have more visitors and make more money. To actually make me about $15,000 dollars per month I have to get started - I should have started years ago. Actually I did but my focus changed; but since about a year ago I'm back... for good.

Hopefully you're really excited about this new website. It's a website about books, reviews of books actually. It's called Since all the ordinary spelling domainnames were already taken.
There are only three book reviews there so far. And I feel I really have to rewrite the one about the camel club. But do have a look and let me know what you think.

I found an okay wordpress theme, so I'll use it for now.

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