Friday, July 20, 2007

It hurts to move

Yes, it really does hurt to move. Physically.

I spent fourteen hours yesterday moving my furniture. That includes the cupboard from hell. Getting it up the stairs proved... impossible. At least until we'd spent an hour nearly beating it to pieces. It broke, but maybe -- just maybe -- we'll be able to put ut all togheter using a lot of glue :)

There are things everywhere; and it seems like everything I need is really left in the old house.

There's no way I'll ever consider moving without professionell movers one more time. I kinda promised myself that the move before and the move before that too. This time I really mean it. And mostly because I rented a truck and hiring someone to do it all wouldn't really be more expensive.

Yes, I guess it really was good for my body to get away from the computers and do some honest work. But it hurts.

I just put up a lamp in the celing and I feel like it would be nice to just chop off my arms. The only thing I really did was hold them over my head for at the most fifteen minutes.

Well I'm off to Ikea to buy some stuff I need.

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