Thursday, December 14, 2006

Everybody has a blog

Everybody who's anybody has a blog these days.

I've spent my share of time on the internet, in newsgroups, IRCs, mailing lists starting up a web hosting company - you name it. I haven't really gotten around to having a real blog though. Until now, that is.

I have no grand world changing illusions for this blog. There's a chance it will end up being just another crappy blog. Or maybe, just maybe, I'll make the mountains crumble through my keyboard, or more likely something in between.

Eventually a lot of my thoughts are destined to end up here. Except the too personal ones. But then again what ever is personal these days.

I got rid of the volvo for a new toyota this past monday. Fewer horsepower, but it's brand new and less expensive in the long run. It's almost time to head home, so this will have to do for now.

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