Saturday, August 18, 2007

One week

It's already a week since I last wrote. Time really flies.

I was back to work but had to take thursday and friday off since the day care was closed due to planning.

All that free time wasn't that free. Yrla, my daughter, needs a lot of attention. But finally I finished reading and reviewing a book today.

I've read "" ( It's a book in Swedish and I know one of the novelists behind it. It's his first published novel and it was great. I reviewed in Swedish at

Now we're off to Mc Donalds for lunch.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Creepy Spider

Last night, or more accuratley put: early this morning, I hunted down and killed a spider in my bathroom.

No, I don't have aracnaphobia but this was one creepy spider and I was virtually naked fighting it. But I WON!

The dead spider is in my freezer. It was so creepy I want to find out if it was potentially dangerous and if I have to call some exterminators or something.

On an other note I just wrote a short biography of one of my favorite novelists: David Baldacci. Have a look at

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Homemade Meatballs

Today I made my own meatballs at home.

I usually buy prefabricated meatballs and serve to my daughter with some pasta. This time I made an effort and made my very own meatballs and served it with potatoes.

Trying to find the time to read a little more too. I want to finish reading "4 hour work week" and move on to some of the other books I've been planning to read.

Oh, also I totally kicked Clonix butt today in Project Gotham on Xbox. :)

Saturday, August 4, 2007

The Game by Strauss

Feels like I spent the last few days doing nothing.
So today I actually did something.

Since The Game (by Niel Strauss) was recently translated into Swedish people have been talking about it. I read it last fall so I decided to write a short review:

The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I know the ending

I know the ending of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I just finished reading the book an hour ago.

Read my review

No. I won't give away the ending. Read it yourself, it's really worth it.

I'm off to get some food now.

Sunday, July 29, 2007


Yesterday my parents arrived to spend the weekend. Today they went home.

Before going home they helped putting up curtains. And also the tent (or whatever it really is) Yrla had gotten for her birthday.

Berta, the dog, seemed to like the tent and spent some time sleeping in it. Later she seemed to have disappeared; we found her in what we thought was the least likely room. She was a sleep -- on her back -- besides the bathtub in the bathroom.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Another trip to Ikea

My mother arrived. She brought curtains. Thus things were missing and things had to be bought. We went to Ikea where we also had lunch and I spent a lot of money on things I guess I needed.

Went to the house. We put down the swings and my parents will bring it to my sister. There's no place for a swingset in my apartment :(

Brought some other stuff back.

I found out Fortune had listed Google as the number one company to work for and wrote a short article about it.

Now it's time to read about the Deathly Hallows. At least the title is starting to make som sense.

Friday, July 27, 2007

A week of work

One long week of work.

I'm away for one week on vacation and there's a mess when I return. I've had to sort out a few screwups during this last week. And there's a backlog of work to do.

I've squeezed as much time as possible into the new website; but it still isn't finished. It takes forever. Especially with stylesheets that won't work.

I have to store new orders in a database and create a few more static pages before I'll be done. But I'm almost done at least.

My parents are coming for a visit for the weekend. They'll get here sometime tomorrow.

Mean while I'm halfway through Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. By monday I might even have finished and reviewed it.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Back to work

Free time passes by too fast. I've had a weeks vacation and now I'll have to work the rest of the month.

August 1st another week or so begins.

All work and no play :(
And the apartment needs so much more work...

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

It's laying there on my nightstand and I've already read the first chapter. I would have spent the whole day reading, but there are too many other things to do in the new aparatment. The TV is finally haning on the living room wall. The bed is made and in the sleeping room beside the cupboard.

I have two lamps to put up on the wall; but it's a concrete wall and I don't think my neighbours would appreciate my drilling just before midnight. Thus I have another project for tomorrow.

I took a nap after breakfast -- felt I earned it -- and then I went to Kista and bought the book. Before leaving the mall I had to get an icecream as well.

Now it's time for a quick shower and then jump right into bed and spend some time reading J K Rowling's latest book. I thought the sixth Harry Potter book wasn't as good as the previous ones so we'll see what I think about this one.

The Cupboard Made it

Yes! The Cupboard made it.

I spent an hour yesterday morning glueing back broken pieces.

[I then spent about half the day at Ikea buying barely nothing but still paying a small fortune for the things I really needed.]

[Went to the old house and put the big TV in the back of the car. Picked up Clonix on the way back.]

It took some time and "superman powers" (to get the old nails out of the back); but eventually it was as good as before. I now have to put the bed back together, sort out the mess in the livning room, in the kitchen and well... all else.

And since it's now been released I have to go pick up a copy of the latest, the last and final, Harry Potter book... There will be a review on as soon as I've finished reading it.

Friday, July 20, 2007

It hurts to move

Yes, it really does hurt to move. Physically.

I spent fourteen hours yesterday moving my furniture. That includes the cupboard from hell. Getting it up the stairs proved... impossible. At least until we'd spent an hour nearly beating it to pieces. It broke, but maybe -- just maybe -- we'll be able to put ut all togheter using a lot of glue :)

There are things everywhere; and it seems like everything I need is really left in the old house.

There's no way I'll ever consider moving without professionell movers one more time. I kinda promised myself that the move before and the move before that too. This time I really mean it. And mostly because I rented a truck and hiring someone to do it all wouldn't really be more expensive.

Yes, I guess it really was good for my body to get away from the computers and do some honest work. But it hurts.

I just put up a lamp in the celing and I feel like it would be nice to just chop off my arms. The only thing I really did was hold them over my head for at the most fifteen minutes.

Well I'm off to Ikea to buy some stuff I need.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

New website

I've been building websites for more than a decade now. Funny enough I started out with a very confusing personal homepage in English and slowly began making more serious websites and somehow along the way the language changed. Until yesterday I didn't really have a professionell website in English.

That was bound to change sooner or later. Yesterday it actually did.

My first trembling steps into building a website that could potentially make me some money. I figured a website in English would eventually have more visitors and make more money. To actually make me about $15,000 dollars per month I have to get started - I should have started years ago. Actually I did but my focus changed; but since about a year ago I'm back... for good.

Hopefully you're really excited about this new website. It's a website about books, reviews of books actually. It's called Since all the ordinary spelling domainnames were already taken.
There are only three book reviews there so far. And I feel I really have to rewrite the one about the camel club. But do have a look and let me know what you think.

I found an okay wordpress theme, so I'll use it for now.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Homepage update

A little bit is still better than nothing, I presume.

I've updated my personal homepage. Finally.

Actually, all I really did was write a book review. The review itself didn't really turn out the way I planned. But at least the book I was reviewing was great. It was "the Camel Club" by David Baldacci.

Someday soon I might even get to the part where actually find the time and energy to do something about the rest of the homepage.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Truck causes traffic jam on E4/E20

Wonderful morning. I was about to drive from Södertälje to Solna today. It was rushhour, but still it's usually about half an hours drive.

South of Hallunda in Botkyrka on E4/E20 a truck was heading south. For unknown reasons the truck smashed through the road rail and through oncoming traffic -- miraculously not hitting anything -- to end up in the ditch with its tail still in the right lane. The cargo? LPG.

A little past eight I had to stop my car completely and turn the engine off. Both lanes were blocked north. For people going south the shoulder was partially open.

[above: The cars ahead of me]

For two hours I got nowhere. Finally I ended up at the office at about 11 -- two hours late.

[above: the cars behind me]